While tips are appreciated wherever you travel, tipping in Europe is not as automatic or generous as in the US, and in many countries, it is not expected at all. The exact amount depends not only on the country you are in, but also on your resources, tipping philosophy and the situation. However, some general guidelines remain in place.
Reference: Blog City and UK News and MF and 9 Naga
Restaurant tips are simpler in Europe than in America. Servers are paid a living wage, and a tip is considered a small bonus-for appreciating great service or for simplicity in rounding the total bill to the appropriate number. In many countries, 5 percent is enough and 10 percent is considered a good tip. Locals simply leave coins on the table, rounding off, or often do not tip at all.
- https://wales2000.net/wisata/memberi-uang-tip-bukan-hal-biasa-di-eropa/
- https://transpacifichosting.com/indonesia/faq-hosting-situs-web-gratis-wix/
- https://rainmanonstage.com/news/it-is-okay-not-tipping-in-europe/
Resist the urge to tip American style. If your money talks at home, take them out on your trip. In principle-if not Economic-local prices should prevail. Please believe me — tipping 15 or 20 percent in Europe is unnecessary, if not culturally stupid. You just raise the bar and mess up the local balance. And that’s bad style.
Tipping is only a problem in restaurants with table service. If you order food at the counter (in a pub, for example), do not tip. In sit-down restaurants, etiquette and tipping procedures vary slightly from country to country.
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